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All of our classes and events are free of charge as a service to the community.

For over 40 years, the Tampa BK Meditation Center has been run by dedicated volunteers who believe in the power of selfless service. Their time, energy, and skills have helped serve thousands of people who come to explore their spirituality and learn the practice of meditation.


At Brahma Kumaris, we understand that spiritual growth should not come with a price tag. This belief adds to the positive energy and spiritual atmosphere at our Center. While we do not charge for our lectures, courses, workshops, or other activities, we welcome contributions from those deeply touched by the gifts and insights they have received here.


These contributions play a vital role in sustaining our expanding operations and services at the Center. They can be made online or in person through cash, check, or credit card. The Tampa BK Meditation Center, a non-profit organization (BKWSO (USA)), operates under the transparent guidelines of section 501(c)(3), ensuring that your contributions are tax-deductible.

In-Kind Contributions

Individuals or organizations may be able to provide alternative support for our work. We welcome in-kind donations that meet our specific needs.

The Brahma Kumaris is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is 74-1946190.

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